An invitation to come home
to who you were created to be.

A Self-guided Online Course


Your little girl is in there … let’s go get her!


Whether you are new to inner child work or seeking to deepen your connection, this self-guided 8-week course is designed to meet you where you are on your spiritual journey. It's time to nurture the most precious part of yourself and rediscover the magic that lies within.


Let The Journey Begin!

The Reconnecting To The Little Girl Within self-guided course is an 8-week self-paced heartfelt exploration into the depths of your soul, guiding you on a path of self-discovery, healing and rediscovery of the joyous, innocent spirit within.

In this course, you will embark on a journey of healing through reading, writing, visual and physical exercises that will help you heal the heart of your inner child. Through a series of 8 insightful modules, you will delve into the roots of past experiences, gently releasing and healing wounds that you have carried for far too long. Together, we will create a nurturing space for your inner child to flourish, allowing you to embrace life with renewed wonder and authenticity.

Here's how your journey unfolds …

• Week 1 Open With Curiosity

• Week 2 Connect Compassionately With a Picture

• Week 3 Feel Your Feelings

• Week 4 Forgive Yourself and Others

• Week 5 Give To Yourself

• Week 6 Allow Play

• Week 7 Be In Community

• Week 8 Reparent Yourself

Do any of these feel familiar?

✓ Do you feel disconnected from yourself and others?
✓ Does your past get in the way of your relationships with others and/or yourself.
✓ Are you wrestling with shame?
✓ Does self-love and self-acceptance feel out of reach?
✓ Do you continually bump up against your own limiting and defeating beliefs?
✓ Do you struggle to set and hold boundaries?
✓ Do you struggle with self-worth, constantly prioritizing other’s before yourself?

Your adventure of a lifetime awaits …

● Remember your wholeness
● Reclaim your voice
● Connect with an Infinite Source of Love
● Allow yourself to receive love
● Share this newfound love and self-worth with others
● Begin to listen to the little-one within whisper
● Crack-open trust for your inner-child…they know the deepest truths within you
I'm ready to begin!

The course book and journal

For $149 get lifetime access to…

● A digital copy of the course book and journal: “Reconnecting To The Little Girl Within” which is filled with insight, coaching, practical application and writing exercises. A physical copy of the course book and journal is sold separately.  

● 5+ hours of recorded video coaching that practically applies each week’s theme to real-life examples.

Weekly supplemental exercises and tools that accompany the workbook and videos such as … 

▷ interactive activities

▷ guided mediations and visualizations

▷ journal prompts

▷ breathing exercises

▷ creative practices and activities

✓ Practices and activities to express and honor your inner child.
✓ Journaling prompts to unlock and explore deeper parts of yourself.
✓ Mindful movement exercises such as yoga and somatic practices to release stored trauma.
✓ Breath work exercises to help with emotional regulation and self awareness.
✓ Accupressure therapy exercises to heal stored trauma.
✓ Guided meditations and visualizations to explore the subconscious.
✓ Personalized exercises around boundaries to uncover and release limiting beliefs.
✓ Strategies for integrating healing into your daily life.

● A carefully curated list of additional resources for further reading and study.

● Desktop and smartphone friendly access.

● Lifetime access to the digital course book and journal.

Ready to get started?

Yes, I'm ready!

Give the gift of healing.

You also have the option to give the priceless gift of awakening and healing by purchasing the course as a gift for someone else.

Gift the Course to Someone Else

What Others Are Saying ...


Amy K.

Farm2Souls has created a virtual course experience that is like no other. Much thought, care and preparation has been crafted to bring their clients a safe space to heal and grow. I have never been part of something that has given me such courage and strength to look inward. I can't wait to take this journey again and again. It truly is something that is magical to experience.



Leslie S.

Farm2souls gave me the urge to become at peace with my past and myself today. The course has let me see that we are all struggling in this crazy life in one way or another. Just learning to sit back, and be quiet with myself is a blessing. I found myself at the end of each week getting excited about the next chapter.




Kathy B.

When signing up I had no idea I was about to embark upon an amazing experience and an amazing healing experience for myself. The knowledge I have gained about myself over these last eight weeks is invaluable.  I am forever grateful I took the leap and signed up!


I'm ready to start!

8-week Self-guided Course

Start your journey today at the introductory rate of $149

Lifetime Access +
100%  Satisfaction Guarantee Includes:

✓ Digital access to the Reconnecting To The Little Girl Within Course Book and Journal ($30 value)

✓ Over 5 hours of instructional videos - with real-life examples and applications

✓ Bonus content including supplemental tools, exercises, guided meditations and more for each week

May be purchased and gifted to someone else!

Start My Journey
Give as a Gift


Our Commitment To You…

The inner child healing work has proven to be the most effective way to heal past childhood trauma and cultivate self-compassion which spills over into all of your relationships especially your relationship with self.

That being said, we are all unique and our healing journey’s are reflective of that. We guarantee that if you show up for yourself fully open to this work… committed to this work…committed to yourself…if you surrender to the process and remain open, honest and curious you will find tremendous benefit from your investment of time, energy and resources. We are here on this healing journey with you. You are never alone. 

The Farm2Souls Unconditional Guarantee…

We unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction with all of our products for up to 90 days of purchase. If any of our products fail to meet your expectations for any reason, simply reach out to us at [email protected] for a refund.

Important Disclaimer

This course is not intended as a replacement for professional therapy. 

Your Journey Awaits

If you are ready to …

• Heal past wounds and traumas
• Work through fear and forgiveness
• Create inner safety
• Transform old toxic patterns
• Cultivate compassion
• Curate secure attachment within yourself and with others
• Develop self-love and confidence
• Eliminate limiting beliefs
• Live and love with intentionality
• Compassionately reparent your inner child 

The Time is Now …

Say “yes” to YOU with this 8-week self-paced heartfelt exploration into the depths of your soul, guiding you on a path of self-discovery, healing, and rediscovery of the joyous, innocent spirit within.

What you Get ...

Lifetime access to:
▢ Digital copy of the 139 page beautifully curated workbook “Reconnecting To The Little Girl Within” by Vikki Fraker
▢ 5+ hours of recorded video coaching
▢ Access to Vikki’s personal book recommendation list to further the inner child work.
– Supplemental interactive exercises for each week
– Guided meditations and visualizations
– Breathwork strategies
– Acupressure exercises
– Yoga and mindful movement practices
– Journal prompts
– and more!

Lock in your spot with this introductory offer of $149 today!

Let the Journey Begin!