How To Feel Your Feelings

Season #1

Hosts: Vikki Fraker & Amanda Augustine

Show Length: 20:00

Do you often feel like there are pieces missing from you? Do you stuff your feelings or do you let them move through you freely like water? Were you ever actually taught how to feel your feelings but not let them take you and others out? On this episode, Amanda Augustine and Vikki Fraker take us on a soul healing journey at The Farm and answer some of these burning questions centered around how to feel your feelings. Vikki helps us identify what it looks like to do the inner work by examining our emotions with curiosity as the gateway to self-awareness and healing. We get to revisit the wisdom of Wayne Dyer and the notion of “clean links” and “corroded links” and Amanda shares an everyday practical application of this. You will be challenged to confront the importance of feeling your feelings by finding empowerment through vulnerability…and you will get to awaken to the ways that unfelt feelings can manifest in our bodies...have sneaky lower back pain?...a constant ache in your heart like something is missing? Pull up a chair…for you and your feelings…and let’s embark on a journey of self discovery with Vikki and Amanda in this episode of the From the Holler podcast.

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Additional Resources From This Episode:


Farm2Souls is thrilled to announce the launch of our online self-guided course: Reconnecting To The Little Girl Within. Check it out HERE.


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