The Way Will Reveal Itself

Season #2

Hosts: Vikki Fraker & Bailey Moreland

Show Length: 46:30

Welcome to Season 2 of "From the Holler"! In this episode, Bailey Moreland sits down with Vikki as she shares what is new for her in this season of life. They discuss the importance of raw, honest conversations along the journey of spiritual and personal healing. Vikki and Bailey explore the concepts of "the universe has your back" and "the way will reveal itself". During their time together, Vikki shares her philosophy on living authentically, the interconnectedness of all beings, and the power of being present and slowing it all down. They delve into the significance of having spiritual tools and practices in place before life’s big challenges hit, and how these tools can help navigate us through difficult times. Vikki also talks about the concept of surrendering to life’s flow and the transformative power of embracing stillness and curiosity. Tune in for an inspiring conversation that will leave you feeling connected and empowered.

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Additional Resources From This Episode:


Farm2Souls is thrilled to announce the launch of our online self-guided course: Reconnecting To The Little Girl Within. Check it out HERE


Episode Chapters:
(00:00) From the Holler is a podcast where we discuss ancient wisdom and spiritual principles
(00:53) Vikki says raw, honest conversations about real life are most needed
(04:39) We never really just, um, ease into things around here
(04:56) As we are launching season two, tell us what listeners can expect this season
(06:54) Vikki, where are you today on season 2
(14:13) There are four stages Carl Jung talked about. But we might need a conversation on those four stages
(19:01) Bailey: I asked Vikki why she creates content
(25:05) You say that life is not linear and it's a journey
(30:08) Take a deep breath to strengthen the muscle of non reaction
(36:59) Abraham Hicks talks about resisting and flailing in fire and life
(37:25) Bailey: Sometimes we forget that suffering is not the only way
(41:45) We want to do something called the heart of the holler this season
(45:42) We hope our conversation today has offered valuable insights on your journey towards healing


Share-worthy quotes from this episode: 

"Raw, honest conversations about real life are what is most needed for all of us on this spiritual path and inward healing journey."

"The greatest way I can honor God is to be in love and share everything that was put in my heart."

"I want to live this life awake. I want to have healthy relationships. I want to make a deep contribution of love, healing, and light."

"The world is going to fall apart. Your world has already fallen apart. That’s just part of the human condition."

"Surrendering to life’s flow means standing into a power that is actually moving through you."


Keywords From This Episode: 

Spiritual Journey, Healing, Personal Growth, Interconnectedness, Spiritual Tools, Raw Conversations, Authenticity, Stillness, Curiosity, Surrender, Life Challenges, Grounding 




Rob Bell

Elizabeth Pehrson

Carl Jung

Brene Brown

Eckhart Tolle

Abraham Hicks


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